Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Motor World's First Diesel-engine

Motor World's First Diesel-engine

Event Intermot Cologne Motorcycle Show in Germany makes a lot of surprises. New findings will occur in the motorcycle world this exhibition. One of them via Track T800. What's special about this bike? If you are observant, please longok pacunya into the kitchen.
The motor was equipped with 800 cc turbo diesel engine! Yes, maybe Track T800 is the first motorcycle with a diesel engine power.
Taken over from Mercedes diesel engines that have been formulated over, the T800 can spend up to 40 bhp. However, the torque can be developed up to 100 Nm. Far above average torque gasoline-fueled motorcycles.
The desire to bring this diesel motorcycle comes after a study that proves that the technology emsin current generation diesel more environmentally friendly than electric battery engine. "Research on the Swiss government said electric battery using heavy carbon methods such as burning coal and gas. This condition is clearly only a slightly lower consumption of fuel sources as in gasoline engines. While the era of diesel engines now only requires less than 3.9 liters for a distance of 100 km which means that provide better environmental impact, "wrote Visordown on Wednesday (10/06/2010).
The researchers then combine the diesel engine with CVT transmission system.Want to know how much it costs needed to build a diesel engine of this? Rp228, 7 million. Wow!
Not to mention whether this motor will start mass-produced. 

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